Krzysztof Wierciński - NOSPR
Krzysztof WiercińskiPiano

Krzysztof Wierciński was born on February 22, 2003, in Warsaw. He is currently studying at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw in Prof. Joanna Ławrynowicz-Just's class. He is a laureate of national and international piano competitions, including the V Prize at the XII International Competition of Young Pianists "Artur Rubinstein in Memoriam" in Bydgoszcz and the III Prize at the 51st Fryderyk Chopin National Piano Competition in Warsaw. He has received training from outstanding artists and educators such as Prof. Vanessa Latarche, Prof. Aleksander Gavryluk, Prof. Dang Thai-Son, Prof. Nikolai Demidenko, Prof. Janusz Olejniczak, Prof. Andrzej Jasiński, and Prof. Tobias Koch.