- De Profundis - musical spectacle by Andrzej Chyra / premiere
De Profundis - musical spectacle by Andrzej Chyra / premiere
18:00 - The 11th Festival of Premieres
The 11th Festival of Premieres
Upcoming concerts:
- NOSPR / Axelrod / Gershwin / Leonard Bernstein’s great discovery
- YOUNG POWER - NEW EDITION - FREEDOM CELEBRATION feat. Urszula Dudziak, Michał Urbaniak, Kuba Badach, Marcin Wyrostek
- Everyone’s allowed to love / A retro Valentine’s evening
- Silesian String Quartet / British Fantasy on the 110th anniversary of the birth of Andrzej Panufnik
- hoshii sessions live feat. Kukon, schafter, Kasia Lins, Hubert., Daria ze Śląska & The Dumplings
- JazzKLUB / Fire, heat, wildness
- Marcin Kydryński
- Tim Burton's favourite composer / Metropolis Piano Quartet
- Boulanger / Beamish / Brahms / Seductive singing of the cello
- NOSPR / Webster / The Fun-Fair and the Moonrise Kingdom

YOUNG POWER - NEW EDITION - FREEDOM CELEBRATION feat. Urszula Dudziak, Michał Urbaniak, Kuba Badach, Marcin Wyrostek
Concert Hall
Sold out
Silesian String Quartet / British Fantasy on the 110th anniversary of the birth of Andrzej Panufnik
Chamber Hall
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hoshii sessions live feat. Kukon, schafter, Kasia Lins, Hubert., Daria ze Śląska & The Dumplings
Concert Hall
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