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Rent - NOSPR


NOSPR offers a perfect venue for artistic events and occasional concerts.


We offer:

  • modern design and perfect acoustics;
  • perfect artistic ambience;
  • catering on the premises;
  • friendly surroundings — a garden and an amphitheatre;
  • well qualified staff; and
  • location in the city centre, near the new seat of the Silesian Museum, the International Congress Centre and the Spodek Arena.


Concert Hall

Number of seats: 1698
Number of entrance ways for the audience: 14
Stage area: 312 m2
Height: 28.05 m
Acoustics: Nagata Acoustics

Big Concert Hall - technical rider (pdf)

Chamber Hall

Number of seats: 283
Number of entrance ways for the audience: 2

Stage area: 91 m2
Acoustics and lightning: Pracownia Akustyczna

Chamber Hall - technical rider (pdf)


The lobby provides a universal background for all kinds of meetings and events. Its ample space can also serve as a self-contained venue for official occasions and small concerts, performances and exhibitions.

Recording Studio

The recording studio can not be hired without hiring the Chamber Hall or the Concert Hall.

The recording studio must be hired together with NOSPR studio personnel.

The cost of hiring the studio includes:

• Chamber Hall or Concert Hall hire and personnel remuneration

• fee for the use of recording equipment

• sound engineer and other studio personnel remuneration



Data Protection Policy (pdf)

Upcoming events

Everyone’s allowed to love / A retro Valentine’s evening
Special concerts
valentine's day at NOSPR

Everyone’s allowed to love / A retro Valentine’s evening

Concert Hall

Sold out
Silesian String Quartet / British Fantasy on the 110th anniversary of the birth of Andrzej Panufnik
Chamber music / My Season Ticket

Silesian String Quartet / British Fantasy on the 110th anniversary of the birth of Andrzej Panufnik

Chamber Hall

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hoshii sessions live feat. Kukon, schafter, Kasia Lins, Hubert., Daria ze Śląska & The Dumplings
Guest concerts

hoshii sessions live feat. Kukon, schafter, Kasia Lins, Hubert., Daria ze Śląska & The Dumplings

Concert Hall

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JazzKLUB / Fire, heat, wildness
JazzKLUB / My Season Ticket

JazzKLUB / Fire, heat, wildness

Chamber Hall

Sold out
Marcin Kydryński
Guest concerts

Marcin Kydryński

Concert Hall

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Tim Burton's favourite composer / Metropolis Piano Quartet
Chamber music / My Season Ticket
Metropolis Piano Quartet

Tim Burton's favourite composer / Metropolis Piano Quartet

Chamber Hall

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Boulanger / Beamish / Brahms / Seductive singing of the cello
Chamber music / My Season Ticket

Boulanger / Beamish / Brahms / Seductive singing of the cello

Chamber Hall

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NOSPR / Webster / The Fun-Fair and the Moonrise Kingdom
NOSPR concert hall

NOSPR / Webster / The Fun-Fair and the Moonrise Kingdom

Concert Hall

Last tickets
NOSPR / Schumann / Zehetmair / A concert the netherworld called for
Thomas Zehetmair

NOSPR / Schumann / Zehetmair / A concert the netherworld called for

Concert Hall

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Daniel Roth's organ recital / Bach / Franck / Widor
Organ concerts / My Season Ticket
Daniel Roth

Daniel Roth's organ recital / Bach / Franck / Widor

Concert Hall

Last tickets


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