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Marcin Masecki - NOSPR

Marcin MaseckiPiano

photo by Magda Hueckel

Marcin Masecki is one of Poland’s most prolific and idiosyncratic musicians. Winner of many awards he performs extensively on all keyboard instruments, sings, composes for film and theatre, produces festivals, conducts orchestras, educates, records and curates musical events. His projects span a wide range of styles and his virtuosic fusion of different genres as well as the blurring of the line between high art and entertainment have become his hallmarks.

His newest project “Boleros y mas” is an exploration of Latin American music, close to him from spending his childhood in Colombia. He co-leads Jazz Band Młynarski-Masecki, a large ensemble devoted to polish jazz from the 20s and 30s, presented in his own arrangements. Parallel he runs a jazz trio with drummer Jerzy Rogiewicz and bassists Piotr Domagalski/Max Mucha. He is also known for performing a modern, highly personal and critically acclaimed version of the Ragtime style. As a classical musician he works solo, with chamber groups and with orchestras as soloist and/or conductor. He hosts a variety of concert cycles in Warsaw, where he often combines music with informal history lectures. He is a member of the Ensemble Festival, where he teaches an improvisation masterclass every summer.

As composer he premiered a new symphonic poem in May 2023 with the NFM Philharmonic in Wrocław called “There are three polonaises in the Goldberg Variations”. The piece is a broad exploration of the ties between Bach’s masterpiece and the polish national dance. He has so far written 3 symphonies and one piano concerto.

As film scorer he has received the prestigious "Orzeł" award in 2022 for best score for "Powrót do tamtych dni". He has also worked on Paweł Pawlikowski’s “Cold War” (Best Director at Cannes 2019), Darek Gajewski’s “Strange Heaven” and Michał Marczak’s “Fuck For Forrest”, among others.

He works regularly with the Polish National Radio, Teatr Studio, Capella Cracoviensis and the Szczecin Philharmonic. He lives in Berlin and Warsaw.

Upcoming concerts

Masecki / Markowicz / A fresh look at Brahms’ music
Chamber music / My Season Ticket
Marcin Masecki and Marcin Markowicz

Masecki / Markowicz / A fresh look at Brahms’ music

Chamber Hall

JazzKLUB / Marcin Masecki Trio / Thelonious Monk’s New Incarnation
JazzKLUB / My Season Ticket
Marcin Masecki with a piano

JazzKLUB / Marcin Masecki Trio / Thelonious Monk’s New Incarnation

Chamber Hall

AUKSO x Marcin Masecki
Guest Orchestras / My Season Ticket

AUKSO x Marcin Masecki

Concert Hall


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