Nature, water, wilderness / Meditation music - NOSPR
Nature, water, wilderness / Meditation music
According to the ancient philosophers, water is the element that governs the world. As for physicists, they claim that it 'listens' and resonates with everything around it. Its internal structure changes not only according to its location or the degree of pollution, but it is affected by everything that happens in its immediate surroundings, including acoustic factors, i.e., sounds and music. For centuries, its constant flow has fascinated artists and composers. The October evening is a musical meditation on water and its sounds in the symbolic context of nature and human existence.
Peter Ablinger's Regenstück takes us on a musical journey through the world of rain. The composition is a complex dialogue between the instruments and the sounds of water running down the membranes and resonating in the space. In Rain Coming, Tōru Takemitsu reflects on water as a source of life and infinite inspiration. The piece belongs to the Waterscape collection, in which water is not the only theme. The composer explores ideas of fluidity, harmony and tonality that unfold like streams falling into a river and flowing towards the sea. In contrast, Katarzyna Szwed's I, the Wilderness introduces us directly into the depths of the forest, where the whisper of water and the rustle of trees form a harmonious wholeness that encourages us to immerse ourselves in nature and contemplate it.
Alexandra Kozowicz
Concert duration: approximately 70 minutes
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