NOSPR / Lawrence Foster / Elena Bashkirova - NOSPR
NOSPR / Lawrence Foster / Elena Bashkirova
For the June concert in our series, the conductor’s rostrum will be taken by the NOSPR’s artistic director, Lawrence Foster, who will lead us on a journey to Spain, Paris and… the depths of Bach’s music. Just such a scholarly challenge will be represented by the 60-year-old work Desintegración morfológica de la Chacona de Bach, by the Catalonian composer Xavier Montsalvatge – a composition that breaks down into its constituent parts the form, tonality and dynamics of the famous violin Ciacconafrom the Second Partita in D minor, BWV 1004. The reconstruction of this monumental work is designed to help us penetrate the truths and secrets of the Baroque master. We will also explore the phenomenon of the popularity of works written in the French capital. From that perspective, let us relish the French style in Mozart’s ‘Paris’ Symphony and the Iberian climate of Manuel de Falla, who painted Spanish nights from memory while living in Paris. And crucially – all these journeys are available for the price of a single ticket.
[Piotr Mika, translated by John Comber]
Duration of the concert: approx. 70 minutes
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