Harmony of the cosmos. Lecture by Prof. Krzysztof Meissner - NOSPR Share facebooktwittermailkopiuj link Harmony of the cosmos. Lecture by Prof. Krzysztof MeissnerFestival Katowice Culture Nature "Music of the Spheres"Accompanying events / Festival Katowice Culture Nature "Music of the Spheres"Saturday11.0517:30Chamber HallSeatsBARTOSZ BOBKOWSKIUpcoming educational eventsKaleidoscopeEducation / Kaleidoscope04.12 202409:30KaleidoscopeChamber HallKaleidoscopeEducation / Kaleidoscope04.12 202411:30KaleidoscopeChamber HallKaleidoscopeEducation / Kaleidoscope26.03 202509:30KaleidoscopeChamber HallKaleidoscopeEducation / Kaleidoscope26.03 202511:30KaleidoscopeChamber HallSign up for ourNewsletterzapisz się na newsletter I do agree with NOSPR's privacy policy More. Education Subscription